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Stella Artois 1366

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  1. I'm hoping that a fellow footsoldier can help me out with either 2 spare Switzerland or 2 spare Hungary tickets - any category. This is before I signup to a tout site in the next week and part with mega bucks to buy some. I'm booked up to travel to Germany with my auld man who turns 70 next month. It would be a great present to know that I could get tickets from a fellow TAMB member as it would feel a bit safer than those tout sites. I've got tickets for a Spain match and a France match that I'm not really interested in keeping. Please give me a shout if you can help ⚽️🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿
  2. I'm very interested in the spare ticket Scott. Happy to travel to meet and pay cash if that's what you prefer. Sent you a PM 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿
  3. Cheers mate. I'll just be clicking refresh for an hour then 😂
  4. What's the link to the resale tickets please? I'm logged into the Eufa portal but don't see anything that looks like a sale button to click at 10am.
  5. Hi, me and my auld man have 2 tickets for the France v Play Off Winner match and would love to swap. Our tickets Category 3 from the ballot.
  6. Appreciate the reply wee man. I'm sure this is the site I've already signed up to. £5 donation per set of tickets. It's not very transparent and I'm not holding out much hope with that route, but you never know. Anyway, if anyone has spare Scotland tickets and fancies watching either Spain or France then please get in touch.
  7. I got some tickets for non-Scotland matches and I'm looking to swap for our Switzerland and Hungary games. Hoping someone with a few spares is interested in catching other games while in Germany. Albania v Spain - 2 tickets for Fans First France v play off winner A - 2 tickets in CAT3 Not for sale, and swap only
  8. I got tickets for Albania v Spain (in Dusseldorf) and France v Play off winner A (in Dortmund) from the first lottery. Now looking to swap for Scotland's last 2 group games. Does anyone know if UEFA will set-up an official swap site? If it will only be a resale site, does anyone have any tips for secure swapping with random folk from the internet?
  9. Covent Garden's the place to be Friday. Pubs, restaurants, a square and plenty of TA said they'll be heading there.
  10. I just Googled photos of the Porterhouse at Covent Garden and it looks decent. That's where we'll start off on Friday and if the prices are okay we'll probably stay. Cheers for the recommendation GYL. 5 from Ayrshire heading there
  11. I've seen a few people mention Covent Gardens for pre-match drinks so I'm almost certain that's where I'll end up. How many others are going there? Also, our group only need 1 more ticket - send me a PM if u can help
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