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About DoonTheSlope

  • Birthday 07/23/1986

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  1. Look closely! Theres a chippy scam on the go through here. When you ask for sauce they put it in a wee tub and add 50p on in some chippies now. Im not against that though because it helps keep the batter crispy till you get it up the road Another bit of advice I’d give anyone is you should also never ever buy a fish supper. You should only ever buy a single fish and a single bag of chips to keep both products fresh. When you’ve got two products at different temperatures in a paper bag battling against each other it just creates a soggy batter on fish and dries out the inside of the chips. Add your sauce to the mix then as soon as you pick up a chip you take half the batter of your fish There’s a lot of subjects I like to have a wise crack about and create a laugh or two with but fish and chips isn’t one them 👍🏻
  2. Are these still a thing at tournaments? Where would any sort of information be advertised I see Portugal are based in the NRW region and with me being a CR7 fanboi I’d like to go and admire the GOAT in real life one last time in case he hangs his boots up before we play them in the NL
  3. Considering accusations of “racist tories” often eminate from SNP quarters his cabinet isn’t very diverse Maybe that’s been syphoned off with the amount of time Angus Robertson spends in flying to foreign lands to his kid on embassies while the whole party cries “climate crisis”
  4. Hopefully she’s remembered where the millions of pounds worth of unaccounted Covid relief dosh was put since she was last in post
  5. The same could be said for almost all participating teams
  6. Aye but folk would think we’re singing about the Dick Donald stand at Pittodrie
  7. There’s a good butchers in Munich. It’s a sit in. It was underground in the HBF Does anybody know if it’s still there?
  8. I lost it at the Queers for Palestine march at the weekend. Put it down and forget to lift it when I went away. Bastard eh
  9. Take That Tartan Army? I’ll need to get a lend of that for the Take That concert in Monchengladbach
  10. It’s the age old whataboutery war cry from the SNP “but Westminster” Since Useless and the SNP was so keen for a general election after Johnson and Truss packed in he could have called a Scottish election in 2023 when Labour weren’t so strong. But alas he chose to emulate those he so venomously attacked As I said previously a party of hypocrites Maybe someone could clear things up for me, one minute the snp supporters are telling me Labour are finished in Scotland and the next minute labour are in a strong position
  11. Wherever the title ends up guaranteed the losers will have cheated by the officials 😴
  12. That’s been one of the SNP raison d’etre for the last decade in their green agenda shite and selling out the fisherman But the leader of the SNP at Westminster didn’t even know where the North Sea was so who knows
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